Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A New Challenge

I decided to start this blog because of a question that I had for my Facebook friends. Is there anything really new in food anymore? Are there any really new foods or food combinations? Are there any new cooking methods? Or am I just missing something?

I posted this question/challenge to my friends... between now and the end of the year can you find five things that you have never eaten. Or maybe have eaten in a different form but have read about a new cooking method for this food. That kind of thing. And cook, eat or taste these things and write to me about your experiences. My challenge to myself is to actually find five things. I really do believe that I personally have tried just about everything. (yes I have eaten Natto, and no I have not tried Durian (sp?) but that isn't exactly available in New York.)

For those not familiar with me I go by the nickname DP so that is how I will be known here. (that is really what most of my friends call me). I have had probably upwards of a half dozen or more careers over my longer than I wish to admit it lifetime but several of them have had a major impact on me. I am a doctor...yes I said doctor. I am a Registered Nurse. I am a teacher. I have worked at all of these full time. I currently work as a teacher by choice.

But my passion is : I am a die-hard foodie, and have been so for years. I am also a Professional Chef. I have had many positions in the cooking field, mostly as a Pastry Chef, but have worked on lines in several restaurants. (I left cooking primarily to have my son). But cooking and food are really more of my passion.

I know I said I feel that there is nothing that I haven't tried, but I know from reading many chefs publications, following cooking professionally, and still working at some catering, keeping my hand in it so to speak...that there are many things I would like to try or learn. I am not too familiar or comfortable with some of the molecular gastronomy techniques that are out there. From one perspective aren't these just different methods of cooking or showcasing food that we have already tried? But these new methods and ideas can take the food to a completely different level gastronomically speaking...something that can take a mundane item and make it sing, soar, or elevate it into just another dimension...I digress.

So...YOU that are out there? What have you tried lately? What techniques can you share? What new foods have you tried and loved, hated, or just have an opinion about that you want to share?

I would like to listen and share with you. And I will work on finding my five new items for this year.


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